Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Work, work, work, CAKE!

As many of you know, I'm reaching crunch time for my master's program. 

My thesis needs to be completed in early May. My independent study course is coming along slugglishly. Over the next week and a half I will be buried under an avalanche of quizzes and tests needing to be graded. And over the past 6 days I've been working basically nonstop to make up for lost time. 

Finally, I've conquered the intro to my thesis, it's in the final stages before seeking my adviser's approval. 

I'm only one chapter shy of finishing what I hope will be the most difficult book of my independent study. 

And naturally, there's nothing I can do about grading until my students actually take their exams.

As J will soon be starting his "weekend" and I have a day off of teaching tomorrow. I've decided to take a little break from work.

To celebrate, and because I was craving chocolate, I'm baking a cake. This is the recipe.

It's a great, simple recipe and I highly recommend it to even the least experienced of bakers.

It smells delicious and has been taunting me with said delicious scent for the past 20 minutes.

Lick the beaters! Suggests my mother, but the batter was so runny there was none stuck to the beaters.

Ah, first world problems...

Soon it will emerge from the oven!

Then it will have to cool.

Then I will frost it!

Then I will probably be very sleepy.

No matter! I am determined to partake in the deliciousness that will be this cake!

Wish me lick...I mean luck!

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