Sunday, March 10, 2013

Baby Fever

I don't know this baby, but he's cute!
Hey y'all!

It's me again...

I've been a little busy lately, but I was just thinking about something I want to share.

Y'all know me. I like to post about things that may or may not ever happen from time to time. Like when I posted about procrastinating. ...wait did I ever get around to that?

Anyway, lately I've been thinking about having kids. It's just one of those baby fever things that hits you like a ton of bricks when all your friends seem to magically get pregnant in the same year.

You find yourself looking at their sonograms, baby bump pictures and baby registries pretty much all the time. There should be a name for this phenomenon. Babidemic? Babypalooza? Ubiquibaby?

Nevermind, what I'm getting at is this: Now that I find myself surrounded by baby paraphernalia (why does that word have two Rs in it?), I consistently catch myself daydreaming about parenting.

Not wanting to loose the random thoughts and ideas I've had recently, I wanted to share a couple with you.

First, I was just thinking today about how I want to build things with my kids. Maybe a playhouse or a dog house for our future Collie that we'll probably name Lassie. (I'm still talking J into this one.)

I think this will be awesome for a lot of reasons. Mostly, I think it'll be fun. I also think it could be a great learning experience. They'll use problem solving, geometry and other basic math skills. They'll also get to be creative. I hope that we can design it together, they can pick paint colors and really make it their own. Finally, they'll also learn safety and how to use tools.

These hypothetical, super-smart, genius children are probably not what our actual children will be like, but it's a nice dream, right?

I also want our kids to read. I want them to read lots of different things that interest them. J and I actually have a running list of books we might want our kids to read. We're nerds. I know.

I hope our kids are nerds too.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll update this later, but between you and me, we know that's not likely to happen.

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