Monday, March 11, 2013

Egg Drop Soup

Lately, I've been craving Chinese food a lot, specifically egg drop soup.

But before we get to that, let's back up.

Shortly before Christmas I received a magazine subscription to Family Circle from my grandma.

One thing you need to know about my grandma is that she loves magazines and catalogs. My grandparents have the biggest mailbox I've ever seen and it's full every day. It's a quirk I feel positive I will inherit because I also love getting mail.

The moral of the story is this gift subscription was very exciting to me. Even now, months later, I still get all excited about it when it comes.

Now back to the soup.

The most recent issue I received had an article that was something along the lines of 32,000 ways to cook eggs. Pretty much everything in the magazine is a list with numbers. 23 ways to get your teen to stop being a brat, 17 ways to comb your hair, 13 shades of green you should wear get the point.

One of the ways to cook eggs was egg drop soup.


So I'm looking at the recipe and thinking to myself "I don't have tofu, soy sauce, scallions or corn starch. I'm not wearing appropriate clothes to go out in public and I want this now!"

What's a girl to do when she doesn't want to forsake her yoga pants to go the grocery store?

I just left out what I didn't have.

If I'm being honest, I would have to say I would have left out the tofu anyway. I'll blame it on my rural upbringing, but I just can't eat tofu.

I love how weird the egg looks.
Cooking is so cool!
When I left out what I didn't have, what I was left with is this recipe:

4 c chicken broth
pinch salt (I threw in a little extra to compensate for the soy sauce)
1/8 t Black pepper
about 1/8 c onion powder (since I didn't have scallions)
3 eggs beaten

First, I boiled the broth and the seasonings then I brought that down to a low boil for 2 minutes.

Then, I poured in the eggs very slowly while gently stirring the broth.

The result was tasty, fast, cheap and easy.

Oh and one more thing, eat it right away. It's best right after you finish pouring the egg in.

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