Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dressing like a 20-something is weird

Today I went shopping with J at Kohls.
Most recent purchase: a not-so-grown-up t-shirt 2
months ago. Note all the culls I tried on on my right.

I love that store, but today was a weird experience

I walked through the Juniors department. I am in the habit of doing this, but I rarely find anything there. This is probably because I'm not a teenager anymore.

Then I meandered to the grown-up lady department, remembering that I'm a married college graduate. But I didn't find anything there either.

I found some things my mom would like. Don't misunderstand me, my mom is a great dresser and a classy lady, but she's my mom. I'm not ready to dress like my mom.

What do twenty-somethings wear?

I have friends my age who wear clothes, but we don't really talk about it anymore. Mostly because they're either engaged or pregnant, so we talk about that. (Or they're shopping for maternity clothes.)

Where do regular (read poor), non-pregnant, twenty-somethings shop in real life?

I've found an online store or two that I like, but I'm a hands-on shopper. I like to feel fabric, try on clothes, and carry stuff around.

Meanwhile, my wardrobe is a weird mix of university tee-shirts and dresses, bought for special occasions, that are way too formal to wear in real life, and a little in between that is quickly wearing out.

I have lots of coats and scarves, but what do I wear under them?

My shoe and jewelry collection is pretty descent, but a nice, married girl can't go out in shoes, accessories and a coat.

Alas, today with our birthday gift cards, (thanks, Memom!) J and I decided to buy sheets.

We needed sheets, and they're nice sheets. But the experience overall was a little frustrating.

I realize, of course, that I shouldn't be too concerned about clothes. As long as I can appropriately cover myself, I'm better off than many.

But shopping used to be fun.

Anyone have any advice to help me reclaim the joy of clothes shopping? Or a sympathetic whimper?

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