Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Reasons Why I Hate Editing

Friday was reorganize chapter one day. 
I'm now in editing mode on my thesis. Here are a few reasons why I hate it.

1. I have a HUGE ego.

That's right ladies and gents, I have a hard time admitting that that 10 page paper I pumped out from 2am to 5am isn't a winner. What do you mean I used passive voice?! Passive voice has never been used by me!

2. I know what I said, so why do I have to read it again?

 I hate rereading things! I can hardly read my favorite book again five years after I read it the first time.My own writing is the worst, because I wrote it. I know what it says....don't I? Wait...I wrote what? What does that even mean...?

3. It takes FOREVER!

I'm a busy genius, who has no time to waste with such nonsense! I must be churning out more brilliant copy, or watching Gilmore Girls... I have no time for this tediousity! (And I'm an excellent word inventor!) Let the little people handle the editing...

4. I'm tired of working on the same thing.

This is a massive paper that I've spent the better part of two years working on in one form or another. Can't we just call it a day and give me my degree already?

5. I don't have a long enough attention span.....

Wait, what was I talking about....

So there you have it, folks. Why I hate editing in a nutshell. Now that I've procrastinated...I guess I'll go find something else to procrastinate with...

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