Saturday, October 6, 2012


My life is stressful right now. Perhaps the most stressful it's been in a long time...maybe ever.

But even though it's really complicated and I have no idea what I'm doing, I can't help but think I've got it pretty good.

For example...

When I was super sick all last week, my husband bought me lotion tissues. I love lotion tissues. They're the best. He also cooked, cleaned and kissed my forehead regularly. I am one lucky woman.

When I was going to school Thursday, despite my illness, I was able to park J's truck on campus legally. Just a phone call is all it took, no additional payment, no getting bumped to a lot farther away. It was so easy.

When we are trying to figure out how to buy a new car without having very much money, we have dads who are super helpful. Mine is great with figuring out financing and budgeting, and Scott's has tons of experience and contacts in the auto industry.

...and I have a lazy cat. 
When it was super cold in our house this morning, I had fuzzy socks and hot chocolate on hand. Win!

When I wasn't sure how to balance all my school projects yesterday, my adviser had great practical advice for me.

When I feel like my life is stinky, I have a God that loves me and reminds me to count my blessings.

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