Saturday, September 29, 2012

Medical Technology

Today, I used an awesome piece of medical technology.

First, I'll tell you about how I was introduced to this powerful healer.

When I was little, I'm guessing 5 or 6 years old although I have no idea really, I got a shot.

Shocking I know. I'm sure I was the only little girl to get shots.

Anyway, the nurse at the clinic gave me a little mermaid band aid after it was all said and done. She told me it would make it stop hurting.

It did.

I remember the shots only vaguely, but I remember the band aid very well. It was teal, with Ariel in the middle. The moment she stuck it to my arm, I was no longer upset about the shots. I thought it was so cool.

But there was a problem.

It was on my arm, and I couldn't see it unless I bent my arm a certain way. This bending of course lessened the effectiveness of the adhesive in the band aid. Try as I might to get it to stay on as long as I could, it came off at last.
It's upside down so I can see it right side up. Just FYI.

I knew my mom would make me throw it away because there was really no need for it in the first place. But I thought it was the coolest single thing medical technology had to offer. Still, to the best of my knowledge, I threw it away without a fuss.

Today, I still love cartoon character band aids. I used one just today, iron man, on my impossibly knobby knee.

The moral of the story is, cartoon band aids have healing powers that regular band aids do not. Also, they still need more durable adhesive.

1 comment:

  1. Cartoons can make food taste better, too. I had Power Rangers zip lock bags for my school lunches, but when my mom told me to throw them away, I'd dig them out of the trash later and hide them.
