Monday, September 10, 2012

An Experimental Birthday Dinner (Part 1: the Diabolical Plan)

I can't believe I spelled diabolical right on the first try.

...but I digress...

Today is J's real, live, actual birthday!

I look forward to this day all year for several reasons:

1. I get to start teasing him about being older than me. This is the first of 20 days where he and I are officially not the same age.

2. It means my birthday is coming! I know I'm selfish; I'm working on it.

3. I get to set aside everything in life and focus on his favorite thing, food. I will cook for hours today. First dinner had to be planned and prepped and in a second I will take on dessert. Just because I want to prolong sitting here under the fan, I'll give you a brief history of J's birthday meals.

Last year, I did ribs and potato salad. I also attempted a chocolate volcano cake, but that was a failure.

When he turned 21 we had a fajita party. I made everything down to the tortillas (...well most of the tortillas). It was great.

When he turned 20 I still thought he was a little odd, so we didn't hang out that day.

This year I'm making a spicy-lime beef stir fry. I'm totally inventing everything and here's what I have so far...

I thawed a pound of stew meat it's now marinading in a mesquite lime marinade that I bought pre-made. I'm also marinating a chopped jalapeno, three yellow squash, half a chopped bell pepper and some chopped onion.

I'll also be making a derivation of a strawberry shortcake recipe I found on Pinterest, I'll share that later (probably tomorrow).

Anyway, I plan on marinating the meat and veggies for about 3 hours, then I'm going to saute it all in a skillet.

In a little while, I'll throw together some potato salad (per J's request). I'm not sure how that's all going to go together, but I'm excited to see.

I also have a few fresh limes hanging around the house. I'm not sure how to incorporate them yet, but we'll see what brilliant plan I concoct! (MUAHAHAHAHAA!) ...okay calming down now.

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