Friday, April 20, 2012

Reflections on my First Year of Marriage

Today, I'm planning for my first anniversary, on May 6. I can't post anything I've done yet since J. will be looking at this before May 6 most likely. But I am very excited. This year has been a whirlwind, and I can't believe it's already almost gone.

A lot of people told me before I got married that the first year was difficult, and in a sense they were right. But mostly I feel like they were very wrong. This year has far and away been the best of my life.

There is nothing so comforting as knowing there is one person on this earth that is going to love you, stick by you and do his best to make you happy no matter what else happens. I love that I can come home and it doesn't matter what stupid thing I did at school, what someone else said to hurt my feelings, how badly windblown my hair is, he is going to wrap his arms around me and make me feel beautiful, smart and loved.

That's what J does for me every day. He makes me feel appreciated and valuable. I wish that for every woman I care about in this world. There is nothing like it.

I have to go now to give him a hug and some food; he just got home from work.

I hope you all get to know a love like mine!

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