Monday, April 23, 2012

Homemade Date Night!

Last night J sent me a message saying he wanted to do something fun tonight. So we tossed around a few ideas.

First, we thought about doing a movie marathon, but neither of us were too excited about that this time. So we elected to do that on another day maybe this summer.

Next, we thought about renting a video game we both have been wanting to play, Harry Potter Lego 5-7. (Yes we are uber-nerds!) But I was craving something that would allow us to talk more, so we set that aside for another day.

At this point in our conversation, I start googling for ideas. Since I kinda shot down one that he was so excited about I wanted to come up with something he could get equally excited about that would give me the interaction I was looking for too.

Several sites I visited mentioned twister. Light bulb! I told Scott I thought we should go out and buy it, but he had a better idea, make it!

All we did was cut construction paper into circles. There were six of each color, blue, yellow, green and red (we didn't have red so we used pink) and laid them out on the floor in a grid. Viola, instant twister! Yes, they did slip and slide on the carpet but that made it exponentially more fun and challenging. We took turns calling out colors for the other person. It didn't take long for us to discover that neither of us are very good at it, but we had a blast. I can't wait to play again.

Our plan was to also make brownies. Since I bought a mix last time I got groceries we didn't have to leave the house for that either. We found that brownie breaks were necessary throughout our twister game, and there was no guilt because we were burning all the calories we were eating (well some of them anyway).

Finally, I saw on someone suggested making a blanket fort. This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid so why not relive that with my husband? But by the time we were done playing twister we were not up crawling around on the floor anymore, so I'll put that one on the 'For Later' list too.

Here's a sampling of other date ideas on the For Later list:

  • Draw portraits (in our case more like caricatures) of each other.
  • Paint something abstract on canvas together. 
  • Fly kites in the park
  • Cook dinner together--make something we have never made before
  • Star gazing in the country
  • Go camping
  • Try "Painting with a Twist," a Lubbock art studio with amateur classes
  • Ice or roller skating
  • Six Flags
Maybe some of our ideas will inspire you for a fun date with your significant other. Have fun!!!

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