Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maybe I Should Buy Some Frosted Flakes Just in Case

I can't believe how quickly this semester is coming to an end. What an interesting one it has been.

I feel so relived that I'm almost halfway through my graduate program. I think I should also be getting excited about the prospects of finding a job, but I'm not quite close enough to graduation to see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet.

This summer I'll be starting some education classes to get a minor in that field. Part of me is really looking forward to this, but in another way not knowing how these classes will compare to the ones I'm already taking is a little unnerving. If anyone has much experience with education graduate classes I would be all ears. All-in-all though, I think it's going to be a great experience.
One of the ads from Sunset Magazine
that I found in my research.

I'm excited about this summer in other ways too. The weather change is a motivator for me. I'll have early classes so hopefully I'll have time and motivation to do a lot of extra things I haven't put on my top priority list in the regular semester like working on my thesis seriously, working out regularly, and volunteering somewhere. Mostly I'm excited that this is putting me one step closer to being done and moving forward with my career. Also, I'm excited about being done so J can move forward with his career.

So here goes the home stretch! I only have about 20-25 pages left to write this semester a handful of books to read and a presentation to prepare and present. By May 15 I should have it all behind me and have a couple of weeks to myself before the summer sessions begin. Wish me luck!

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