Sunday, April 8, 2012


So I'm going to admit it here and now...I'm a failure as a blogger. I have blogged once and dropped it just like a million other things I intend to do and never get around to.

Now let me make an excuse for myself that is no excuse at all--I have been busy.

There it is, that evil one-liner that everyone says whether or not it's true. So from now on when I think I'm too busy for this or that, I'm challenging myself to ask, "busy with what?" Busy with school? That one might be legitimate, but when I find time to read all the Hunger Games books, watch a couple of Harry Potter movies and browse Pinterest for several hours, I know that can be it.

Busy, for me, is just code for no self-discipline.

It's not that I don't want to do all these things I set out to do. It's that I get distracted. I find myself lost online or enveloped in  something that isn't necessary not remembering how I got there in the first place.

What I need to be working on this weekend. 
So starting today I'm going to be focused and goal-oriented. I'm going to get stuff done.

I think I need a plan to make this a reality:

1. I'm going to do things on purpose, and continuously ask myself throughout the day if what I'm doing is worth my time.
2. I'm going to keep better track of time throughout my day.
3. I'm going to get up earlier.
4. Use study breaks for productive endeavors--Pinterest and Facebook do not count as productivity.
5. Read Proverbs 31 every morning to be inspired by that model of time management.

For me more than 5 things to keep in mind is too many, so I'll stop there.

If you see me slacking, help me remember to stop failing at life!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, it's ok that you suck at blogging. It's not a top priority (as your list entails).

    Good luck with your new plan! I've fashioned one like it myself. It's tough (waking up earlier), but definitely worth the work. :]
