Saturday, February 9, 2019

3 toys, 2 girls, 1 lesson in sharing

My three old and soon-to-be-one year old are learning to share.

If you've been three recently, know anyone who is three or are blessed to occupy the same home as a three year old, you know it's a hard life lesson. 

Darci loves her baby sister with same all-out vigor and humor that is her trademark in life. 

It manifests itself in ridiculous nicknames, frequent hugs and kisses and unsolicited wake-up calls (much to my chagrin), when she just can't wait for Audrey's nap to end so they can play. 

The feeling is fully mutual Audrey lights up right down to her adorable chubby toes when Darci so much as looks at her. 

Lately though their love is tested by each one's independent thinking and mobility. 

The main point of conflict, as you can imagine, is the toys. 

Every day, Darci battles her inherent desire to reign supreme over, well, everything, and show her love by sharing.

When I look at them learning and struggling to get along day after day, I'm reminded how we all struggle to set self aside and really genuinely show our love to others. 

There are three toys Darci shares with Audrey that have taught me to think more about how I care for others. 
Sometimes Darci shares a little people Cinderella toy with Audrey. It's servant Cinderella, without sparkles or a tiara. 

It's the toy she shares when she doesn't feel like sharing. It pacifies Audrey for a moment and is a token of obedience. It's not heartfelt but it is a small effort at consideration. 

For a three year old, it's a good start. 

But I wonder how often I, who am a little beyond toddlerhood, am offering the people around me servant Cinderella. I know I need to offer a bit of myself and I don't want  conflict, so I do the least I can get away with. 

Other days, Darci feels like being sweet and really showing her baby sister how much she loves her. 

On those days, she shares a bedraggled orange beanie baby cat, named Amber. 

It's one of Darci's prized possessions. She sleeps with it often. She is distraught when it's misplaced. 

Sharing that toy with Audrey is her ultimate expression of sweetness. 

Audrey doesn't care a thing about that cat toy. She holds it gratefully for a moment, then sets it aside and goes on to find something more interesting. 

I'm so impressed when Darci shares her cat. It takes a lot of love and effort. 

Likewise, I feel great about myself when I go out of my way to really give someone something that matters to me, my time, my talent or my advice. 

But sometimes what I'm offering may be more about me than them. 

As a side note, let's remember to see what others give us through their eyes. A bedraggled beanie baby cat doesn't look like much, but it can really communicate a lot. Don't dismiss the generosity of others just because it doesn't look like much to you. People have a hard time expressing their love for each other, and we need to be ready to accept it with gratitude when it's offered. 

That brings me to Flynn Rider. 

Audrey and Darci both adore the Flynn Rider toy. It's Darci's -- a birthday gift, but Audrey has loved it from day one, even more than Darci does. 

On her very best days, Darci shares Flynn. These are the days when she's thinking, asking and listening to what Audrey actually wants or needs. 

Audrey is so happy to receive Flynn from Darci. Her eyes light up, she teethes on his head and boots with glee and carries with with her wherever she goes for quite a while after. It's a treasure to her. 

Like Darci, we become the best blessing to those around us not by appeasing others with token kindness, not even by giving them what we think they should want, but by listening and meeting their needs and desires to the best of our abilities. 

This takes more effort and time because we really need to get to know the needs of those around us become more involved in their lives, but it's worth it every time. 

Let's do our best to share Flynn today and every day. ...well, you know what I mean. 


  1. Beautifully written!...and AMEN!!! Love y'all!!!!!

  2. I found you! And just as I suspected, you are an amazing wordsmith!
