Saturday, August 30, 2014

Homeschool high five!

homeschool high five on Make A Gif
Step one: hold your left hand high over your head with you palm facing right.

Step two: take your right hand and quickly raise it over your head with your palm facing left and clap your already raised left hand. 

Congratulations! You have just completed your first, homeschool high five!

Note: Just in case you haven't caught on yet, this is funny because if you're homeschooled you have no classmates to high five, so you high five yourself.

In the future you can vary it by raising right and then left, or both arms simultaneously. 

Mix it up, and make it your own!

Homeschool jokes and silliness of all kinds were encouraged at the institution I attended from K-8th, my house. 

Finished your math worksheet: homeschool high five! 

Got your animals cared for for the day: homeschool high five!

Changed out of your PJs before noon: homeschool high five!

Sometimes, randomly someone in the house would yell "HOMESCHOOL HIGH FIVE!," and we would do it unison.

I know what you're thinking, and you're 100% right. We were are weirdos.

Still, I'm proud to say I started the homeschool high five tradition in my house. 

At camp, when some unsuspecting girl who had no idea I was homeschooled told me this joke for the first time, I knew it was a gem. 

My memory of the original joke telling is hazy, but I'm pretty sure I made her feel horrible about telling it, by instantly declaring that I was homeschooled. 

I would like to take this moment to apologize to whoever that was, because I really did (and do) find it hilarious. 

Despite the awkwardness, the homeschool high five helped teach me something that's almost never easy to learn, how to laugh at myself.

Today, I'm glad to support and encourage those who choose to homeschool their kids because, in hindsight, I think it worked well for me.

But, when I was a homeschool kid, there were times I was pretty sure it wasn't right for me at all.

In fact, I would beg to go to public school with my friends.

It's still not always easy to be a homeschool kid, but <insert 'back in my day most people thought all homeschoolers were serious wackos' story here>.

When you're not sure about such a significant part of your life, it can make you a little defensive. I was a little very dramatic kid to begin with, so at various times, I sported a family-size bag of chips on my shoulder.

Having a long-running joke out of being homeschooled was one of the things that really helped me lighten up.

Around that time, my friends started struggling through middle school, which of course ranks among the worst parts of almost everyone's life. Their complaints helped me see that, even for kids who like school, it's not all pep rallies and pizza days.

If public school wasn't perfect and homeschool wasn't perfect, I needed to figure out how to be happy either way.

So I trashed that stale bag of chips and homeschool high fived whenever the mood struck me because I learned that laughing at ourselves is about understanding no one's life is perfect and how we react to that truth dictates how happy we are.

So no matter how you were educated, go ahead and embrace the homeschool high five, because sometimes we all need to lighten up just a little.