Monday, November 5, 2012


Today I decided to go all out for lunch. So I'll share with you what I did.

On the menu, barbecue country ribs, Grandma's potato salad and "fiesta" corn.

First, I boiled 5 peeled and chopped potatoes. I put a little salt in the water, about a tablespoon.

"Oh no!"
Then I put about a teaspoon of baking soda in a small saucepan of water and turned it on high. Then I set three (decorated) eggs in there.

While those boiled, I got out 3 large country ribs from my freezer. The package held 7 so I split it before I put them in the freezer. I usually use the smaller country ribs and I think I like them better. But the larger ones were the only ones in stock. I thawed the ribs in water.

When the eggs had boiled steadily for 10 minutes I drained them, cracked them and refilled the pan with cold water.

I let those soak up the cold water and let go of their shells, while I got out the rest of the ingredients for my potato salad. Just like grandma, I don't measure anything when I make potato salad so all of these measurements are approximate.

5 potatos, boiled and mashed
1 T butter
3 hardboiled eggs, chopped
3/4 c pickles chopped
1/4 c mustard
1/3 c sandwich spread
Salt and pepper to taste

Optional ingredients: onions, pimentos

I usually just drain the potatoes, poor them in a bowl, add the butter and let it melt.

Then I add all the other ingredients and use a hand mixer on low until it's fairly smooth. If you boil the potatoes until they're soft, it shouldn't take much time with a hand mixer.

J and I like our potato salad cold, so after I get it together, I throw it in the fridge until everything else is ready.

By the time I've got that done, my pork chops are just about thawed. I put them in a little casserole dish and cover them in barbecue sauce. I put foil on the top and cook them in the oven on 350 for about 45 minutes. Preferably, you would cook them on 275 or so for 2 or 3 hours.

When about 30 minutes had passed I started on my fiesta corn. I put a T of butter in a sauce panto melt, while I chopped half a jalapeno and half a bell pepper. I sauteed those in the butter and chopped 1/4 onion--maybe a little less than a quarter. I let those saute all together for less than a minute, then I added a drained can of corn. I mixed it in thoroughly and once it was warm all the way through I put it on low until I was sure the meat was done.

Sho'nuf it was!

I like to make my husband work for a good meal, so I asked him to clean and set the table while I got all the food out.

And that was lunch...and that will also be dinner, because it was a lot of food!

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